Thank you for your interest in becoming a Fair Grove Athletic Booster Club Member.
Fair Grove’s Booster Club was started in the early 1980’s by a group of parents dedicated to providing support to our school’s sports teams and their athletes. From providing scholarships to equipment your Booster Club helps provide Fair Grove athletes with important and sometimes vital components of their sports programs. Volleyball, Boys & Girls Basketball, Cross Country, Boys & Girls Track, Boys & Girls Soccer, Baseball, Softball, Golf, Cheerleading and Weights are all supported by Fair Grove Athletic Booster Club.
With your participation and support, Fair Grove Athletic Booster Club can continue to provide our student athletes with the tools they need to be successful. It is through athletics that many life lessons are taught; teamwork, sportsmanship and discipline are just a few of those lessons.
We thank you for your past, present and continued support of Fair Grove Athletic Booster Club.
President - Chris Kennard
Vice President - Allen Brandes
Secretary - Kim Boatwright
Treasurer/Social Media - Wende Geitz
Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm in the Middle School Commons area.
Like our Facebook Page Fair Grove Athletic Booster Club for updates, news and pictures of your favorite athletes!