AMI Day 1

Alternative Method of Instruction (AMI) days allow schools to continue learning when in-person classes are canceled due to inclement weather. Instead of making up these days later in the year, students engage in remote learning activities from home. On AMI days, students will complete coursework remotely, using Google Classroom for high school or provided paper packets for elementary and middle school.

Student participation is required and attendance will be determined based on completed assignments.

AMI work can be found using these links:

Elementary AMI Packets

Middle School AMI Packets

High School- Teachers will communicate specific instructions via student email.

For families unable to print materials, students may record their answers on a separate sheet of paper or request a printed copy to be sent home the next school day. Students have up to one week to submit their AMI work for attendance credit.

Email your child's teacher or if you have questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Chalise Shockley