Due to wet field conditions, our HS soccer game scheduled for today vs. Parkview has been canceled. A make up date will be announced once it has been determined.
almost 7 years ago, Christian Overstreet
The make up date for the Ash Grove JH track meet is Monday, April 23rd. We are scheduled to have a meet at Hollister that day so we will go to the Hollister one and not make up the Ash Grove meet.
almost 7 years ago, Christian Overstreet
Due to the threat of winter weather tomorrow evening, the JH track meet @ Ash Grove scheduled for Friday, April 6th has been CANCELED.
almost 7 years ago, Christian Overstreet
Our baseball game scheduled for today (4/3) @ Seymour has been canceled. A make up date will be announced once it has been determined.
almost 7 years ago, Christian Overstreet
Please check out this week's E-news for Apr. 2-6: https://www.fairgroveschools.net/article/44682
almost 7 years ago, Lisa Bernet
E-News logo
Our softball game scheduled to be played @ Strafford today, April 2nd, has been CANCELED. This game will be made up on Wednesday, April 4th. The V will start at 4:30 with the JV game to follow.
almost 7 years ago, Christian Overstreet
FG Elementary BOGO Book Fair April 6 (Carnival Night) 5:30-8pm and April 9-12 7:40am-3:40pm - STOCK UP ON SUMMER BOOKS!
almost 7 years ago, Lisa Bernet
FGE BOGO Book Fair 2018
FG School E-News for March 26th-30th: http://www.fairgroveschools.net/article/43982
almost 7 years ago, Lisa Bernet
Enews logo
Mrs. Maudlin’s statistical analysis “Goldfish” lab. Collecting and investigating real-world data.
almost 7 years ago, Superintendent- Mike Bell
Due to technical difficulties 3rd quarter grades for K-12th grades will not be released until Friday, March 23rd.
almost 7 years ago, FG R-X School District
FG School E-News for March 19th-23rd: http://www.fairgroveschools.net/article/43393
almost 7 years ago, Lisa Bernet
FG E-news logo
Reminder today, Friday Mar. 9th, is early release for students at 1pm... enjoy your Spring Break!
almost 7 years ago, Lisa Bernet
Early Release Billboard
Summer Dead Period: June 30 – July 8, 2018 (applies to ALL MSHSAA sports AND Band) Fall Sports Dead Period: July 28 – August 5, 2018 (applies to Fall MSHSAA sports only) If you have questions please contact FG R-X School District Athletic Director, Christian Overstreet at overstreetc@fgsmail.org or 417-759-2233 x414
almost 7 years ago, Lisa Bernet
No Sports - Dead Periods
FG School E-News for March 5th-9th: http://www.fairgroveschools.net/article/41849
almost 7 years ago, Lisa Bernet
E-News logo
almost 7 years ago, Lisa Bernet
February School Board Meeting this evening. Open sessions to start at 7pm. Agenda: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B30pZ_HNsqgWM3NyXzBCMGwxM0xEREJ5MkNLZnBvX2pIUmlV/view?usp=sharing
almost 7 years ago, FG R-X School District
School Board Meeting
Spring sports begin Monday, 2/26! All athletes must have a current (2017-2018 school year) physical on file in the HS office before being allowed to practice or tryout. All insurance information must be completed on the form before it will be accepted. Good luck to all spring sports teams!
almost 7 years ago, Christian Overstreet
If you plan on volunteering for an upcoming field trip please remember to complete the volunteer application form in plenty of time for it to be processed. Thanks! LINK TO FORM: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rjzSGaujckCaFP5bLhoCQ0xTkXD3Y29vYOLcxDMvYNg/edit
almost 7 years ago, FG R-X School District
March meal menus have been published on the school app and website and if you would like the printable calendar format please reference the document links below. Elementary: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TViTLWN7LTkarjCG8zNYbAjtzRMMHuWDlbYmnokLFb0/edit?usp=sharing High School & Middle School: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZxDdd2oyF5ARTUuuEp8hq9P_84Fn3in3zoFMIQeXtOY/edit?usp=sharing
almost 7 years ago, FG R-X School District
Due to inclement weather predicted by the national weather service, the Fair Grove R-X School District will be releasing at 1:30 today.
almost 7 years ago, FG R-X School District