It is time to start thinking about the upcoming 2019-2020 school year.
Below are some important dates to put on your calendar as well as a few links to bookmark:
5/28 - 6/21 Summer school (Tuesday-Friday each week)
Elementary Summer School Information
Middle School Summer School Information
High School Summer School Information
6/19 Board of education meeting at 6:30pm
6/29 - 7/7 Summer sports dead period
7/17 Board of education meeting
7/31 New student registration 8am-3pm
8/1 Returning student registration 10am-7pm
8/3 - 8/11 Fall sports dead period
8/11 Senior athletes group photo @ football field 6pm
8/12 5th Grade orientation 6pm-7:30pm (Mr. Green to speak at 6pm)
8/12 Pre-K - 4th Grade meet the teacher/open house 5pm-7pm
8/13 All students return to school (Tuesdays-Fridays 7:55am-3:31pm)
8/21 Board of education meeting
8/30 School picture day
9/13 Grandparent’s day in the elementary
10/17 School picture re-take day
The info above plus links to the following info can be found on the School Website:
Elementary School Supply Lists (revisions still being made by teachers - not final until June 7th)
Athletic Schedules or email
Meal Menus
...and much more!