The Fair Grove Soccer team playing hard against Cassville

The boys soccer team started with a jamboree at Hillcrest and numerous tournaments including Lebanon and Cassville.  The team currently holds the place 0-3, but this years new head coach, Mathew Novak, thinks they can still aim to attend state if they work hard. The boys are practicing for their next home game on September 18th against Parkview.

“So far the season has been a little rough we are 0-3, but we have played 2 schools that are twice our size. We also played a third game with 6 guys playing 140 straight minutes which is typically unheard of in the game of soccer. However, I’m very optimistic about this year and the players we have,” Coach Novak said, expressing that he has a lot of faith that the team will get better as the players develop into a team. 

Sophomore player Josh Orr, has his expectations set for this season. He explains, “Our offense will grow and get better, and our defence is already very experienced.” The team went to their Jamboree at Hillcrest on August 26, 2019. They tied 2 games and lost 1. The team then went to Lebanon for a tournament on August 30th-31st and got 6th place. They lost the first game to Carl junction and lost 1-0 to Sullivan. They lost 3-3 during the overtime penalty kick to Dickson. 

Coach Novak became the new soccer coach this year after previous coach, Joseph Florez, stepped down.  Norvak stated, “I feel as if I have a good relationship with the players, I’m only 24, so I relate well with what the guys talk about and the stuff they are in to. I also think it’s easy to get along with the guys because we are there for a few common goals. One, to win games and two, to enjoy the game we love. The only challenge I really face is being a professional first then a coach before being their friend.”

This will be the end of soccer for many seniors graduating this coming May. Jack Mactee (12) said, “I hope to learn good communication skills that will translate through business.” Many of the seniors are going to miss their years being a part of the soccer team and hope to never forget the memories. Senior, Jacob Morelan, expressed, “For the most part I get along with the boys. This year they are more fun and more open.” The next soccer game is September 18th at Parkview, and will start at 5:00 pm.  


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