The Fair Grove football team has started out the season with winning their first home game against Mountain Grove. The football team has already put in a lot of work for the season to continue winning their games. Kyle Fritts (10) explained, “We have put in a tremendous amount of work and I’ve seen dedication from everyone this year. So yes I do believe we will have a successful season.”
So far the football season has started out well, but none of these wins come easy. Each football player has to put in a great amount of practice and communication to do well at these games. For example, last Friday night at another home football game Fair Grove won 55-0 against St. Micheal the Archangel, who came down all the way from the Kansas City area. Cody Jeter (12) said, “We watched a lot of films on their team and knew what they were gonna run.” The Fair Grove team prepares for each game and have had a good successful start to the season.
The football team practices everyday after school. “A normal practice starts off with special teams then goes to an individual time,” Fritts continued, “Each position gets their own practice times. Then we go to an inside run session, transitions to teams, and then finally conditioning.” He explained that conditioning is the hardest part of their practices as this is one of the main things that prepares the players for the football season.
The football season for Fair Grove has been successful so far. They have a lot more practices and games to come. The hardest part for them will be to continue to push through each practice and to not get distracted. If the football team keeps up the work and dedication they have already been showing, they should continue to show positive results throughout each game. Their next football game is the homecoming football game is September 27th against Stockton.
(For more photos form the September 13th home game: )
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