Elementary Summer School 2019
We have Exciting plans for learning, field trips, performances, and FUN IN THE SUN!!!
K-4 Enrollment
Dates: May 28-June 21. Program will run from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
All summer school classes will be held in the Elementary School this year.
There will be no classes on Monday’s (May 27th, June 3rd, June 10th, and June 17th).
Each morning, we ask parents to drop off students in the front parking lot at the Elementary School.
Students cannot be dropped off before 7:45 a.m.
Bus transportation will be provided to and from The Little School.
Sack lunches will be available for purchase if students does not bring a sack lunch.
At the end of the day, students MUST be picked up PROMPTLY at 2:30 p.m. in the front parking lot of the Elementary School. There is NO on campus after school care. Parents MUST assemble their cars in a pick-up line. Kindergarteners will be stationed at the furthest point of the sidewalk in the front parking lot of the Elementary School. Each grade level, chaperoned by their teacher, will be stationed in order after kindergarten.
Field Trips and Fun:
May 31st: Dickerson Park Zoo ($5 kids 3-12 $6 adults)
June 6th & 7th: American Warrior Academy ($5)
June 5th: Greene County Library
June 12th: Greene County Library
June 14th: Springfield 11 Movie - Lunch after at the park ($5.30)
June 19th: Greene County Library
June 21st: Water Inflatable and Sno Cones