October 5, 2021
The MS/HS Book Fair is open from 7:45 am - 4:00 pm this week (Oct 5th - October 8th).
Parents can shop online or set up an E-Wallet at MS/HS Book Fair
The Book Fair will al...

September 28, 2021
Fair Grove R-X School District has had an Instagram account for quite some time, but to date we have not utilized it as a source for pushing information out to the FG Community. ...
September 28, 2021
The Annual FG FBLA/DECA PowderPuff Football Game is TOMORROW NIGHT and we invite everyone to attend! We have our final winners for the Heart2Heart fundraising challenge portion...

September 23, 2021
The Crosslines Mobile Food Pantry is coming to Fair Grove for a Food Distribution on Monday, October 4 from 10:30 - 11:30 am at the Fair Grove High School parking lot at 132 ...

September 23, 2021
Attention Parents and Guardians:
Flu season is quickly approaching and we are doing our part to help our community proactively prepare! The Fair Grove R-X school district has ...
September 16, 2021
Today we will start up our fundraiser to support our Heart2Heart Backpack program through a great competition! This year our PowderPuff game is happening on Wednesday, Septem...

September 14, 2021
Attention Parents:
Our district is currently experiencing high numbers of symptomatic students. The most common symptoms at this time include, but are not limited to vomi...

September 10, 2021
As we come upon the 20th anniversary of September 11th, FGHS student, Devin Carroll and a few of his helpers, have put together a touching video for us to remember this tragic eve...

September 10, 2021
Thank you for everyone's participation in today's hat today. Our students who participated in the Skyline assembly today stated how special it was. A huge shout out to the our...

September 10, 2021
Tuesday : Wear Yellow, Blue, Green, Black, or White Wednesday : Wacky Wednesday Thursday : Jersey day Friday : Wear Purple, show your school spirit LET'S DO THIS!!!

September 9, 2021
FREE & REDUCED MEAL APPLICATIONS: Again we would like to remind you to submit your Free & Reduced Meal Applications for the school year soon if you have not done so already an...

September 2, 2021
The FG PTO Membership drive ends September 10th. Membership is only $5 and you can pay online if you want (I just paid online and it took less than 1 minute!). The class with th...

August 31, 2021
School Zone Traffic Update:
Elementary Parents/Guardians: When dropping students off in the morning, please pull as far forward as possible before stopping. All Drive...

August 27, 2021
Have you ever thought about how nice it would be if your work schedule matched up closer to your child's (or grandchild's)?
Or maybe you would like to do something that feels m...

August 27, 2021
2020-2021 yearbooks are on sale. The cost is $50.00. Parents can purchase a yearbook by sending a check to the school with the student's name and teacher's name and phone # ...

August 25, 2021
Fair Grove School is in need of substitute teachers.
Are you a substitute teacher or interested in becoming one?
Substitute Teachers earn $100+ per day Please contact Lyne...

August 25, 2021
Do You Have the FG School App?
Make sure you have visited your app store to download the Fair Grove R-X School District App. Many times folks upgrade their phones and forget to...

August 25, 2021
In celebration of our 1st week of school and the 1st home football game there will be FREE SnoCones for everyone this Friday after school on the lawn inbetween the Elementary ...

August 24, 2021
Please be alert and patient during our 1st day of school dismissal.
EXPECT traffic congestion especially from approximately 3:00-4:00 p.m. as the 1st day of school is our bigg...